Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should school lunch be free?

Yes. Yes. Absolutetly. School lunch should be free because students NEED to eat. Not all the time will they have moneyto buy food. Then they cant eat? No this is wrong. School should be free beacsue parents have 1001 things to worry about and they shouldnt have to worry having lunch money for their children./

Friday, May 14, 2010


to get caught up on homework. to do all of my projects and get more fit. i am going to the gym.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

important subect......

i think the most important subject is math. sure...english, science, and history is important too. but i think the most important is mat. math is more usable in more careers than any of the other subjects. mathletes are businessmen of america

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pro atheletes dont get paid too much. There are thousands of people to try everyday to get into the professional athele business. Many are unsuccessful. That is beacuse only the best get put in the pros. So naturally the best will be paid in full. If everybody could get in the pros they obviously wouldnt be paid as much. So Yes. My answer is they shud be payed in full.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

if a student fails a class who is 2 blame?

if a student fails a class the student is 2 blame. the teacher teaches and that is thier job. if the students needs extra help it is thier responsiblity to get that extra help. this may include tutuoring and extra studying. The teachers hav a curriculum and it their job kto teach the student. the student may choose to not pay attention or not do what the teachers instructs.

Monday, May 10, 2010


My weekend was good. I have to share a room with my sister now so I spent the weekend trasferring things to my new room. My room is downstairs now. My brother took my room upstairs. I was a lot of work. On 1 side i am going to miss having my own room. One the other hand my sister is never in the room anyway so it'll still be like having my own room. PLus now I have my own bathroom. I lyk tis room better also. It looks more lyk a lounge. iTs really cool nd I am actually happy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

is it important to finish highschool

This myth has been around for more than a century. Some think it came from Albert Einstein, although the British medical journal BMJ reported no evidence of that. A 9-year-old girl died Tuesday night after she was struck by a car earlier in the day, police said. Crishna Edwards, of Hollywood, died at 9:50 p.m. at Memorial Regional Hospital, police Lt. Scott Pardon said Wednesday. The incident happened at about 5:45 p.m. at the intersection of North 23rd Avenue and the south alley of Roosevelt Street when a 1997 Toyota Corolla traveling northbound on North 23rd Avenue hit the child, who was coming out of the alley, Pardon said.