Wednesday, February 24, 2010

16 or 18 driving age?

Age should be 16! No way should it be 18! Why anyway? The old people on the road scared of us youngin'? If you are 16 you can get a car for your birthday. If you are 18 you have to buy it on your cuz you are practically an adult. So of course they are going to expect you to buy ur own car.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How do you feel about the recent cold weather..

I do not like to the cold weather at all! I was born and raised in Miami Dade and I am used to hot weather! Cold weather makes living in Florida hard! For the most part most of us Floridians dont have have winter clothes. I hate walking outside and it being freezing cold. I also dont like having to roll down the windows and cold air blowing in. Plus I gotta walk my dogs and night and thats wen its the coldest. I like warm weather. Although the cold weather has helped my hair. But i hope these coldfronts cease.

Monday, February 22, 2010

how was ur weekend.....

Oh my Gosh! My weekend was like tottaly rad! I like went to see my BFFL and we went shopping! We saw like the hottest guys there! Then we went to the beach to surf! Oh my gosh i forgot to bring sunscreen! AHHHH!!!!!! I got like the worse sunbrun in the history of sunburns! Then we listened to Ashley Simpson and rocked out! I love my BFFL Amy.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My weekend was boring. I did nothing. Valentines day sucked. My boyfriend called me but thats it. I spent the weekend with my dad. WE went to a movie. I slept during the movie. I went back home and did homework. I ate alot. I ate ravioli. I did more homework.

Friday, February 12, 2010

This Saturday...?

This Saturaday I am going to be with my dad. Once im with him we are going to pick up my brother. That evening we will go to the movies. My brother wants to see Wolfman. After that we will go out to dinner. My brother is senior and he just got his 3rd quarter report card back. I got all b's and a's. This saturday is his congradulation. Then i got homeowrd to do. I have to f's that im tryna bring up. Oh yea.. sleeping in. I been waking up early all week and im tired.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Should school be mon - thursday. 7:30 - 4:30

I do not think school should be mon - thurs. because even with a day off it seems longer. School would start at 7:30 as appose to 7:40. School would end 2 hours later than usual. PLus, we would have more work in classes we have. I think 9 hours in school is way to much anyway. The day wouldnt be enough. it would be 9 hours out of the day from school not to mention travel time. ut i would get to see my friends more. Still though it would be to long fo being in school. I would get sick of it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

favorite subject

My favorite subject is Computers. It is my favorite because it is right after lunch and I feel refreshed and ready to learn coming in to the class. Plus, my dawg Shy is in the class. Moving on, computers are essential in todays life because the world in dependant on it. In computers we learn the technical terms. I think this will help me alot when I'm oldr looking for a job. Thats another thing, this class gives you buisness credits. They say if you do this class for four years you get a scholarship.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dream Vacation

My dream vacation takes place in the Bahamas. I want a hotel right on the coast and I wasnt to be on the top floor. I want to be able to go out on the balcany and look out over the ocean. I want to eat at a resturant thats catches its cook fresh! Then I want to go to a dance festival. Next, I'll go to the beach. I hear the water is warm. I want to rent a yatch and go out into the ocean. Then I'll go snorkling. Later, I would relax in my peaceful suite.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What I did this weekend

My weekend wasn't fun at all. I was sick with a high fever. Then it turned out I had strep throat. I had to go the doctor to get the antibiotics. The docter gave me 3 days worth of anitbiotics and a some cough medicine. I was really tired on the 2nd day thought and forgot to take the pills. So then I had to start over in order for it to be effective. Now my fever went down a bunch but I am still coughing up mucus. Then I went to Sunday and sang in the choir. Then I watched the superbowl. go saints!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 classes

I dont think Monarch should switch from a block schedule because I think its easier for the students. Besides, if you are on a block schedule you can take 8 classes per school year as appose to 7. During block schedule the classes are for a longer period of time so you may take in more and retain the information easier. While taking 7 classes you may get over whelmed in homework. It also easier to take exams while on block schedule cause you can minimize the studing. While ot in block schedule there is less time to spend in each classroom. Therefore, if it takes a while to get the class started it will less you will learn for that class. Block schedule makes it easier for the students to manage their time. For instance, if a student has afterschool activites that he participates in it will be easier for him because he will only have to studyfor 4 class as appose to 7 when he goes home. I thnk 7 classes will cause more chaos from the constant changing of classes. I like Monarch as a school on block schedule. These are he reasons I want it to stay that way.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If I found $10,000...

If found $10,000 I wouldn't turn it in because I would think of it as a blessing from God. One thing I would do with it is donate 10$ of it to Haiti. Next, I would get all my friends and family chirstmas presents. Next, I would get new clothes and shoes. Then, I would refurnish my bedroom. Then, I would go out to eat. Next, I would take my dad out to dinner and shopping. Then, I would buy a new dog. Next, I would buy a new laptop. Then, I would thank the Lord the money. Last, I would donate some to my church and put the rest in the bank.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How was your weekend?

My weekend was straighttttt. I went to the Pro Bowl! It was sooo dope! The half time show was straight up! Bethune Cookman was the band who played. They really inspired me. Now I wanna be one of the dancers. I also talked to my people! I talked to my baby all weekend. I talk to my boy dawg Freddy. he apparently played a national tennis tournament and he was keeping me updated through out the weekend.