Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 classes

I dont think Monarch should switch from a block schedule because I think its easier for the students. Besides, if you are on a block schedule you can take 8 classes per school year as appose to 7. During block schedule the classes are for a longer period of time so you may take in more and retain the information easier. While taking 7 classes you may get over whelmed in homework. It also easier to take exams while on block schedule cause you can minimize the studing. While ot in block schedule there is less time to spend in each classroom. Therefore, if it takes a while to get the class started it will less you will learn for that class. Block schedule makes it easier for the students to manage their time. For instance, if a student has afterschool activites that he participates in it will be easier for him because he will only have to studyfor 4 class as appose to 7 when he goes home. I thnk 7 classes will cause more chaos from the constant changing of classes. I like Monarch as a school on block schedule. These are he reasons I want it to stay that way.

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