Friday, January 29, 2010

plans for the weeknd?

This weekend I want to chill with my friends. Although I don't know what I'll actually be doing. Tonight I might slide out if my homie come up to Deerfield. Then I wanna chill with my friends on Saturday and do what it do. I know for sure I'm a be doing homework. I'll be doing mine plus a friend's. He paying me for it though so its straight. I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow! All week Ive been waking up early. Today I oversleep and had to come for 2nd period.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How you rather be rich or famous?

I would rather be rich! Being rich in my opinion is better than being famous becuase if you ae rich you have money to live are finaical free lifesytle. Being famous doesn't necessarily mean you are happy. You may be harrassed all day by poparatsi. You can never go out to do something with out someone reconizing you. If you are rich you can donate to chraties and make to world a better place. If you are rich you can support your family and never be in debt. Being rich means you can have anything you want. You can buy great gifts for others! Being rich meafancy living and satellite tv. I will always have mooney to gie to he poor and I will never be broke. Thats why I would rather be rich!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 things to accomplish before H.S graduation

I want to have have 250 service hours. I know if you get that many you be able to recieve some kind of award. I wanna have scholarships flying in from all over the country. I also want to have gotten college credits from online classes. I want to have a high high high GPA. I want to win Monarch to the championship for tennis. I am the ish at tennis so that shoudlnt be hard, feel me? The service hours will be hard though because those will be actual hours ill have to work. Thats the things I wanna accomplish.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where do I see myself in 5 years?

I see my self in college studying medicine in five years. I am hoping I will be at University of Miami with my homies doing the thing. I see myself with a good car that my parents hopefully would have gotten me for my 18th birthday. I hoping I will be on the tennis team also. Even though it will be hard work I am looking forward to it. I am gonna be stronger, faster, and smarter in 5 years and it will definately show in my tennis game, feel me? I see myself having a better relationship with God becuase I think i will be more mature and able follow the Lord's plans more efficiently. I see myself being a great role model for my younger sister and brother. I see myself doing the right things and being around the right people. Hopefully in five years my life will be compact and not crazy and wild. And ABSOLUTLEY DO NOT see myself having to deal with baby mama drama.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How was your weekend?

My weekend was very interesting. I found out my friend Shy got grounded for a month and her ipod was jacked. I spent my weekend in dade County with my pop because we just moved down there and I had to organize my room. I also spent the weekend trying to teach myself how to jerk. I got pretty decent I think. I love New Boyz so I was downloading they songs. OMG! I broke my ipod Touch! I dropped it in water andt it wont come on! Hopefully it will dry out or I can get it replaced. So I gotta say it was decent.

Friday, January 22, 2010

First Semester

My first semester was very exciting because it was my first semester in highschool. My courses were interesting and the people I met were amazing. I took Spanih 1, Health, Biology, and World Geography. I ended the semester with good grades but I felt like I could of done better. I feel like I got off task and got distracted in the new social environment, therefore, causing my grades to slip. Luckily, with a motivating talk with my Health teacher I was able to get back on track in just enough time to end the semester with good grades. The friends I made, I feel, had an great impact on my school life. They kept it real with me and helped my stay focused on my priorities. They gave me a reason to wake up eager to get to school. Some friends, in particular, helped me to be better person and helped me become more confident. Starting the first semester was a scary experience, but my friends made it gucci. I don't necessarily love Monarch because I think its wack. Although, i think the teachers alright. For My first semester I was in lunch B. It was exquisite. Thats where I met my dawg Shyan. I also met Dominique, Samra, and Denisha in lunch. They are also my homes. :)