Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where do I see myself in 5 years?

I see my self in college studying medicine in five years. I am hoping I will be at University of Miami with my homies doing the thing. I see myself with a good car that my parents hopefully would have gotten me for my 18th birthday. I hoping I will be on the tennis team also. Even though it will be hard work I am looking forward to it. I am gonna be stronger, faster, and smarter in 5 years and it will definately show in my tennis game, feel me? I see myself having a better relationship with God becuase I think i will be more mature and able follow the Lord's plans more efficiently. I see myself being a great role model for my younger sister and brother. I see myself doing the right things and being around the right people. Hopefully in five years my life will be compact and not crazy and wild. And ABSOLUTLEY DO NOT see myself having to deal with baby mama drama.

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