Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Video Game Violence = Children Violence

YES! Violence in video games is absolutely influential in child behavior. It gives a child false hope on how to interact with others. they look up to the characters in these games and want to be just like them. It gives them a good feeling when they are like their heros. Not all children no what is real and fake though. They cannot tell the difference between wrong and right when they are having fun. They can ten hurt themselves or others. When i was little my next door neighbor's 12-year-old son killed hi cousin. He was imtating a move from a wrestling game. He body slammed the girl and she died.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How was your weekend....?

My weekend was nice. I talked on the phone almost the entire time. I was talking to mainly my friend Samra and my hubby Kendall. Samra and I called this boy named Alvin who used to go to the school. We were trying to talk to this other boy named Raphael but Alvin wouldnt give him the phone. He kept saying wrong number, he's dead, and he aint here. Then Alvin was like he got shoot. We thought he was lying. Come to find out, he was telling the truth. Alvin was shoot in the arm and we think Raphael was shoot in the head. Samra use to like Alvin. When Shyan and me tell her shes gonna be heart broken. And I liked Raphael. Right now I am in shock. I can't believe this has happened.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Plans for tonight.............

My plans for tonight is to do homework. SIKE! Naw I'm going out with my friends from my dad's house in Miramar. I think we going to some girl party for a little bit first. Its gonna be like a barbeque. Then once we eat we probally going to Everglades after dark. Everglades highschool is walkin distance from our house. Everglades after is just a bunch of people come and some body gotta hav a car and we play music. Its mostly dancing thats going on. Dance battles! indeeddd!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How was your yesterday?

I was real tired yesterday! I went to sleep at 2:00am yesterday. I was on the phone with my friends Kendall. He goes to Dillard. He is reallll cool. I also had to go Lyons Creek Middle to pick up my brother. I did not know the Rec Center was that HUGE! Omg! It had a basketball court (full!). A gym. A huge locker room. And a bunch of other stuff. lol. I went to the park while I was waiting for my brother and was talking to my friend Keniel on the phone. I was on the swings. I was swing really high and really fast. It was raing earlier so the groound was wet. While I was swinging I tried to stop by putting my feet down. Except whe I put my feet down to stop I slip on wet prostetic grass! I did a flip and landed on my back! POW! It hurt really bad. School was iight.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Costumer Servive........

I think that Costumer service is require in for companies! It will insure better feedback from costumers. When a costumer has a issue with your company, it is most safe to say they will be more satisfied with help from the company than no help. Plus they are more likey to continue being a client for the company. Costumer Serive will help the costurmers satisfaction. If they are not satisfied thy will tell that to there friends and family therefore decrease your company production.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Outside vendors......

YES! Absolutely the school should have outdoor vendors. The school food is the same everyday! Sure there are choices but still its the same choices over and over again! Outside vendors like fast food places would be awsome! If dey had KFC come i would buy lunch everyday. I dont care about the pizza vendors though. BUT AHHHH! What if they had Aunti I come out here? Wowo! Aunti I's is the best Jamacian Resturant in Miami. So my final word is yes. We should have outdoor vendors.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Good weekend. Talk to some potentials. Talked to Judney. Made a new friend. Made many new friends. Went to a friends house. I love making friends. My best friend is Shyan. She is in my 3rd period. Mr. Franco aint letting us sit nex each other. Hes being mean.

Friday, March 12, 2010


This weekend I am going to my BEST FRIEND Tiffany's house. this weekend is her sisters birthday! I think her sister is turning 23 or something. Her sister's names is Kamila. Kamila lives in Orlando and is a teacher. I staying at Tiff's house Friday-Sunday. Tiffany has vein problems. I told her I love you and she said why? What kind of response is that? I still till her though. And I love myself and the Lord and His son, Jesus Christ. This is the day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1st day o FCAT!

FCAT wasnt't as nerverecking as I thought it would be. I was relaxed. The answers came easy to me. Today was the reading test. Each section was 60 minuets. There were 2 sections. I didn't finish the 1st section. I think the 1st section was harder than the second.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Plans for the weekend

This weekend Im going to miami! Im going to a new school so I have to go to the orientation. The schools name is Michael Krop. Its a magnet program with a really good tennis team. However, the school won't except me for tennis so I have to chose a theater to study. Im entering the drama program. Im going into acting. Im going to the school for my sophmore year. The tennis tea, is supposedly the best in the region. Plus, im gonna be living with my dad cause my mom cant control me. Ima baddd girl.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Navigating the Internet

In today's society the Internet is popular. There are alot of online buisness and buisness that work through the internet. There are job applications on the Internet. There is online shopping. Networks such as Yahoo, Google, MSN, and AOL provide a information source on the Internet. It is good to know how to navigate on the Internet for personal purposes as well as professional purposes. It is however important to know how to sur the Internet saftely. There are several spams, viruses, worms and so on lurking on the Internet. There are online thieves whom may steal your identity through the Internet! Therefore it is good to know how to use the Internet.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Listening to directions are essential for things to run smoothly. If you listening to directions the first time they are given it will help avoid confusion down the road. Being in difficult situations often involves not following directions. Often it is the youth who are stuck in thse dilemas. They are the ones who are most often caught in trouble for not following directions. If directions are follwed the first time they are given it will insure task completion. They often are given for the best reasons. They help you stay out of trouble most times. They help you reach goals. They help you keep it moving to go on the next task.