Monday, March 22, 2010

How was your weekend....?

My weekend was nice. I talked on the phone almost the entire time. I was talking to mainly my friend Samra and my hubby Kendall. Samra and I called this boy named Alvin who used to go to the school. We were trying to talk to this other boy named Raphael but Alvin wouldnt give him the phone. He kept saying wrong number, he's dead, and he aint here. Then Alvin was like he got shoot. We thought he was lying. Come to find out, he was telling the truth. Alvin was shoot in the arm and we think Raphael was shoot in the head. Samra use to like Alvin. When Shyan and me tell her shes gonna be heart broken. And I liked Raphael. Right now I am in shock. I can't believe this has happened.

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