Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should school lunch be free?

Yes. Yes. Absolutetly. School lunch should be free because students NEED to eat. Not all the time will they have moneyto buy food. Then they cant eat? No this is wrong. School should be free beacsue parents have 1001 things to worry about and they shouldnt have to worry having lunch money for their children./

Friday, May 14, 2010


to get caught up on homework. to do all of my projects and get more fit. i am going to the gym.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

important subect......

i think the most important subject is math. sure...english, science, and history is important too. but i think the most important is mat. math is more usable in more careers than any of the other subjects. mathletes are businessmen of america

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pro atheletes dont get paid too much. There are thousands of people to try everyday to get into the professional athele business. Many are unsuccessful. That is beacuse only the best get put in the pros. So naturally the best will be paid in full. If everybody could get in the pros they obviously wouldnt be paid as much. So Yes. My answer is they shud be payed in full.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

if a student fails a class who is 2 blame?

if a student fails a class the student is 2 blame. the teacher teaches and that is thier job. if the students needs extra help it is thier responsiblity to get that extra help. this may include tutuoring and extra studying. The teachers hav a curriculum and it their job kto teach the student. the student may choose to not pay attention or not do what the teachers instructs.

Monday, May 10, 2010


My weekend was good. I have to share a room with my sister now so I spent the weekend trasferring things to my new room. My room is downstairs now. My brother took my room upstairs. I was a lot of work. On 1 side i am going to miss having my own room. One the other hand my sister is never in the room anyway so it'll still be like having my own room. PLus now I have my own bathroom. I lyk tis room better also. It looks more lyk a lounge. iTs really cool nd I am actually happy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

is it important to finish highschool

This myth has been around for more than a century. Some think it came from Albert Einstein, although the British medical journal BMJ reported no evidence of that. A 9-year-old girl died Tuesday night after she was struck by a car earlier in the day, police said. Crishna Edwards, of Hollywood, died at 9:50 p.m. at Memorial Regional Hospital, police Lt. Scott Pardon said Wednesday. The incident happened at about 5:45 p.m. at the intersection of North 23rd Avenue and the south alley of Roosevelt Street when a 1997 Toyota Corolla traveling northbound on North 23rd Avenue hit the child, who was coming out of the alley, Pardon said.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is your favorite late night snack

My favorite mid night snack is ICE CREAMM! Oreo icecream is the best ice cream in my opinion! i love cookies and cream! It so full og flavor! ANd plus cookies and cream is my favorite ice cream. Do you belkieve in majic.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

firse drills!

they r neccesarry/ they are safe

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

why is listen to instruction?

because it is good. it will aviod confusion. it make things quicker.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


y r dey protesting?! I DONT KNO! DEY STUPID! DEY AREF DUMB!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I dont know. They can do wat evr they want cuz i dont really care. I am leraving next year so even they do i wont affect me. AHAHA! i laugh at the ppeople who are still gonna be here.

Friday, April 9, 2010

school spirt!

I don't like Monarch. I don't like the teachers. I don't like the students. I like its environment. I don't like the school teams or clubs. I don't have school spirt. I don't care how to improve it. I wouldn't care if Monarch burned to the ground. I am moving to Miami this summer. I can't wait. Goodbye Deerfield Beach. Goodbye Coconut creek. Good bye Mnarch Highschool.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


If i had $ i wuld put it the bank. Yes. Why spend sumtin i culd get with other money?! Actually I would give it to my church! Prasie the lard! the bible says if u give to God will give you 10 times more! Yes thats wat i wuld do cuz im all about the money! sike! naw i wouldnt flaw out the lord lyk dat! I luv jesus and all i want in return is his love. Not the money or material things. They dont matter to me.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

perfect vacation...

My perfect vacation is in my house! My food. My bed. My car. My city! Its da ultimate vacation! Why would you wanna be an unfamilar face in a unfamilar town? PLus you will have to pay out of your pocket? No way. I good staying home. Watching tv and eating nd sleeping. Tats the perfect vacation 4 me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spring break...

My spring break was good. It all popped off on the first saturday of spring break. I went to the mall with my dawgs shy and d-money. it was shy's birthday so we kicked it at sawgrass. Next I went to my dads house. he lives in liberty city. straight up ghetto. my goddi picked me up and i was at her from tuesday to thursday. she live in da hood too. i got to see my cousins over there. Ron and Treaun. I saw my god sister and brother there too. Shan and Darren. Shan is 22 and Darren is 20. Drren is thugged out rite now. I am suprised he aint jail with his theiving behind. But i love him though. I love all them. On thursday i went ot mall wioth my boyfriend Kenbdall. Web went to movie. I donteven wanna talk about what happened in that movie theather. Lets just say Im happy the lights were off. I spent Saturday with him too. ON sunday i went ot the sony ericason tournament in key biscayne. I watched Roddic play in te finas agains Benerdycth. It was hotter than a bihh! After the match we went to my aunts house in miramar. On monday i work out and mourned the spring break was near death.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Video Game Violence = Children Violence

YES! Violence in video games is absolutely influential in child behavior. It gives a child false hope on how to interact with others. they look up to the characters in these games and want to be just like them. It gives them a good feeling when they are like their heros. Not all children no what is real and fake though. They cannot tell the difference between wrong and right when they are having fun. They can ten hurt themselves or others. When i was little my next door neighbor's 12-year-old son killed hi cousin. He was imtating a move from a wrestling game. He body slammed the girl and she died.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How was your weekend....?

My weekend was nice. I talked on the phone almost the entire time. I was talking to mainly my friend Samra and my hubby Kendall. Samra and I called this boy named Alvin who used to go to the school. We were trying to talk to this other boy named Raphael but Alvin wouldnt give him the phone. He kept saying wrong number, he's dead, and he aint here. Then Alvin was like he got shoot. We thought he was lying. Come to find out, he was telling the truth. Alvin was shoot in the arm and we think Raphael was shoot in the head. Samra use to like Alvin. When Shyan and me tell her shes gonna be heart broken. And I liked Raphael. Right now I am in shock. I can't believe this has happened.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Plans for tonight.............

My plans for tonight is to do homework. SIKE! Naw I'm going out with my friends from my dad's house in Miramar. I think we going to some girl party for a little bit first. Its gonna be like a barbeque. Then once we eat we probally going to Everglades after dark. Everglades highschool is walkin distance from our house. Everglades after is just a bunch of people come and some body gotta hav a car and we play music. Its mostly dancing thats going on. Dance battles! indeeddd!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How was your yesterday?

I was real tired yesterday! I went to sleep at 2:00am yesterday. I was on the phone with my friends Kendall. He goes to Dillard. He is reallll cool. I also had to go Lyons Creek Middle to pick up my brother. I did not know the Rec Center was that HUGE! Omg! It had a basketball court (full!). A gym. A huge locker room. And a bunch of other stuff. lol. I went to the park while I was waiting for my brother and was talking to my friend Keniel on the phone. I was on the swings. I was swing really high and really fast. It was raing earlier so the groound was wet. While I was swinging I tried to stop by putting my feet down. Except whe I put my feet down to stop I slip on wet prostetic grass! I did a flip and landed on my back! POW! It hurt really bad. School was iight.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Costumer Servive........

I think that Costumer service is require in for companies! It will insure better feedback from costumers. When a costumer has a issue with your company, it is most safe to say they will be more satisfied with help from the company than no help. Plus they are more likey to continue being a client for the company. Costumer Serive will help the costurmers satisfaction. If they are not satisfied thy will tell that to there friends and family therefore decrease your company production.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Outside vendors......

YES! Absolutely the school should have outdoor vendors. The school food is the same everyday! Sure there are choices but still its the same choices over and over again! Outside vendors like fast food places would be awsome! If dey had KFC come i would buy lunch everyday. I dont care about the pizza vendors though. BUT AHHHH! What if they had Aunti I come out here? Wowo! Aunti I's is the best Jamacian Resturant in Miami. So my final word is yes. We should have outdoor vendors.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Good weekend. Talk to some potentials. Talked to Judney. Made a new friend. Made many new friends. Went to a friends house. I love making friends. My best friend is Shyan. She is in my 3rd period. Mr. Franco aint letting us sit nex each other. Hes being mean.

Friday, March 12, 2010


This weekend I am going to my BEST FRIEND Tiffany's house. this weekend is her sisters birthday! I think her sister is turning 23 or something. Her sister's names is Kamila. Kamila lives in Orlando and is a teacher. I staying at Tiff's house Friday-Sunday. Tiffany has vein problems. I told her I love you and she said why? What kind of response is that? I still till her though. And I love myself and the Lord and His son, Jesus Christ. This is the day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1st day o FCAT!

FCAT wasnt't as nerverecking as I thought it would be. I was relaxed. The answers came easy to me. Today was the reading test. Each section was 60 minuets. There were 2 sections. I didn't finish the 1st section. I think the 1st section was harder than the second.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Plans for the weekend

This weekend Im going to miami! Im going to a new school so I have to go to the orientation. The schools name is Michael Krop. Its a magnet program with a really good tennis team. However, the school won't except me for tennis so I have to chose a theater to study. Im entering the drama program. Im going into acting. Im going to the school for my sophmore year. The tennis tea, is supposedly the best in the region. Plus, im gonna be living with my dad cause my mom cant control me. Ima baddd girl.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Navigating the Internet

In today's society the Internet is popular. There are alot of online buisness and buisness that work through the internet. There are job applications on the Internet. There is online shopping. Networks such as Yahoo, Google, MSN, and AOL provide a information source on the Internet. It is good to know how to navigate on the Internet for personal purposes as well as professional purposes. It is however important to know how to sur the Internet saftely. There are several spams, viruses, worms and so on lurking on the Internet. There are online thieves whom may steal your identity through the Internet! Therefore it is good to know how to use the Internet.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Listening to directions are essential for things to run smoothly. If you listening to directions the first time they are given it will help avoid confusion down the road. Being in difficult situations often involves not following directions. Often it is the youth who are stuck in thse dilemas. They are the ones who are most often caught in trouble for not following directions. If directions are follwed the first time they are given it will insure task completion. They often are given for the best reasons. They help you stay out of trouble most times. They help you reach goals. They help you keep it moving to go on the next task.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

16 or 18 driving age?

Age should be 16! No way should it be 18! Why anyway? The old people on the road scared of us youngin'? If you are 16 you can get a car for your birthday. If you are 18 you have to buy it on your cuz you are practically an adult. So of course they are going to expect you to buy ur own car.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How do you feel about the recent cold weather..

I do not like to the cold weather at all! I was born and raised in Miami Dade and I am used to hot weather! Cold weather makes living in Florida hard! For the most part most of us Floridians dont have have winter clothes. I hate walking outside and it being freezing cold. I also dont like having to roll down the windows and cold air blowing in. Plus I gotta walk my dogs and night and thats wen its the coldest. I like warm weather. Although the cold weather has helped my hair. But i hope these coldfronts cease.

Monday, February 22, 2010

how was ur weekend.....

Oh my Gosh! My weekend was like tottaly rad! I like went to see my BFFL and we went shopping! We saw like the hottest guys there! Then we went to the beach to surf! Oh my gosh i forgot to bring sunscreen! AHHHH!!!!!! I got like the worse sunbrun in the history of sunburns! Then we listened to Ashley Simpson and rocked out! I love my BFFL Amy.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My weekend was boring. I did nothing. Valentines day sucked. My boyfriend called me but thats it. I spent the weekend with my dad. WE went to a movie. I slept during the movie. I went back home and did homework. I ate alot. I ate ravioli. I did more homework.

Friday, February 12, 2010

This Saturday...?

This Saturaday I am going to be with my dad. Once im with him we are going to pick up my brother. That evening we will go to the movies. My brother wants to see Wolfman. After that we will go out to dinner. My brother is senior and he just got his 3rd quarter report card back. I got all b's and a's. This saturday is his congradulation. Then i got homeowrd to do. I have to f's that im tryna bring up. Oh yea.. sleeping in. I been waking up early all week and im tired.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Should school be mon - thursday. 7:30 - 4:30

I do not think school should be mon - thurs. because even with a day off it seems longer. School would start at 7:30 as appose to 7:40. School would end 2 hours later than usual. PLus, we would have more work in classes we have. I think 9 hours in school is way to much anyway. The day wouldnt be enough. it would be 9 hours out of the day from school not to mention travel time. ut i would get to see my friends more. Still though it would be to long fo being in school. I would get sick of it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

favorite subject

My favorite subject is Computers. It is my favorite because it is right after lunch and I feel refreshed and ready to learn coming in to the class. Plus, my dawg Shy is in the class. Moving on, computers are essential in todays life because the world in dependant on it. In computers we learn the technical terms. I think this will help me alot when I'm oldr looking for a job. Thats another thing, this class gives you buisness credits. They say if you do this class for four years you get a scholarship.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dream Vacation

My dream vacation takes place in the Bahamas. I want a hotel right on the coast and I wasnt to be on the top floor. I want to be able to go out on the balcany and look out over the ocean. I want to eat at a resturant thats catches its cook fresh! Then I want to go to a dance festival. Next, I'll go to the beach. I hear the water is warm. I want to rent a yatch and go out into the ocean. Then I'll go snorkling. Later, I would relax in my peaceful suite.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What I did this weekend

My weekend wasn't fun at all. I was sick with a high fever. Then it turned out I had strep throat. I had to go the doctor to get the antibiotics. The docter gave me 3 days worth of anitbiotics and a some cough medicine. I was really tired on the 2nd day thought and forgot to take the pills. So then I had to start over in order for it to be effective. Now my fever went down a bunch but I am still coughing up mucus. Then I went to Sunday and sang in the choir. Then I watched the superbowl. go saints!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 classes

I dont think Monarch should switch from a block schedule because I think its easier for the students. Besides, if you are on a block schedule you can take 8 classes per school year as appose to 7. During block schedule the classes are for a longer period of time so you may take in more and retain the information easier. While taking 7 classes you may get over whelmed in homework. It also easier to take exams while on block schedule cause you can minimize the studing. While ot in block schedule there is less time to spend in each classroom. Therefore, if it takes a while to get the class started it will less you will learn for that class. Block schedule makes it easier for the students to manage their time. For instance, if a student has afterschool activites that he participates in it will be easier for him because he will only have to studyfor 4 class as appose to 7 when he goes home. I thnk 7 classes will cause more chaos from the constant changing of classes. I like Monarch as a school on block schedule. These are he reasons I want it to stay that way.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If I found $10,000...

If found $10,000 I wouldn't turn it in because I would think of it as a blessing from God. One thing I would do with it is donate 10$ of it to Haiti. Next, I would get all my friends and family chirstmas presents. Next, I would get new clothes and shoes. Then, I would refurnish my bedroom. Then, I would go out to eat. Next, I would take my dad out to dinner and shopping. Then, I would buy a new dog. Next, I would buy a new laptop. Then, I would thank the Lord the money. Last, I would donate some to my church and put the rest in the bank.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How was your weekend?

My weekend was straighttttt. I went to the Pro Bowl! It was sooo dope! The half time show was straight up! Bethune Cookman was the band who played. They really inspired me. Now I wanna be one of the dancers. I also talked to my people! I talked to my baby all weekend. I talk to my boy dawg Freddy. he apparently played a national tennis tournament and he was keeping me updated through out the weekend.

Friday, January 29, 2010

plans for the weeknd?

This weekend I want to chill with my friends. Although I don't know what I'll actually be doing. Tonight I might slide out if my homie come up to Deerfield. Then I wanna chill with my friends on Saturday and do what it do. I know for sure I'm a be doing homework. I'll be doing mine plus a friend's. He paying me for it though so its straight. I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow! All week Ive been waking up early. Today I oversleep and had to come for 2nd period.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How you rather be rich or famous?

I would rather be rich! Being rich in my opinion is better than being famous becuase if you ae rich you have money to live are finaical free lifesytle. Being famous doesn't necessarily mean you are happy. You may be harrassed all day by poparatsi. You can never go out to do something with out someone reconizing you. If you are rich you can donate to chraties and make to world a better place. If you are rich you can support your family and never be in debt. Being rich means you can have anything you want. You can buy great gifts for others! Being rich meafancy living and satellite tv. I will always have mooney to gie to he poor and I will never be broke. Thats why I would rather be rich!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 things to accomplish before H.S graduation

I want to have have 250 service hours. I know if you get that many you be able to recieve some kind of award. I wanna have scholarships flying in from all over the country. I also want to have gotten college credits from online classes. I want to have a high high high GPA. I want to win Monarch to the championship for tennis. I am the ish at tennis so that shoudlnt be hard, feel me? The service hours will be hard though because those will be actual hours ill have to work. Thats the things I wanna accomplish.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where do I see myself in 5 years?

I see my self in college studying medicine in five years. I am hoping I will be at University of Miami with my homies doing the thing. I see myself with a good car that my parents hopefully would have gotten me for my 18th birthday. I hoping I will be on the tennis team also. Even though it will be hard work I am looking forward to it. I am gonna be stronger, faster, and smarter in 5 years and it will definately show in my tennis game, feel me? I see myself having a better relationship with God becuase I think i will be more mature and able follow the Lord's plans more efficiently. I see myself being a great role model for my younger sister and brother. I see myself doing the right things and being around the right people. Hopefully in five years my life will be compact and not crazy and wild. And ABSOLUTLEY DO NOT see myself having to deal with baby mama drama.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How was your weekend?

My weekend was very interesting. I found out my friend Shy got grounded for a month and her ipod was jacked. I spent my weekend in dade County with my pop because we just moved down there and I had to organize my room. I also spent the weekend trying to teach myself how to jerk. I got pretty decent I think. I love New Boyz so I was downloading they songs. OMG! I broke my ipod Touch! I dropped it in water andt it wont come on! Hopefully it will dry out or I can get it replaced. So I gotta say it was decent.

Friday, January 22, 2010

First Semester

My first semester was very exciting because it was my first semester in highschool. My courses were interesting and the people I met were amazing. I took Spanih 1, Health, Biology, and World Geography. I ended the semester with good grades but I felt like I could of done better. I feel like I got off task and got distracted in the new social environment, therefore, causing my grades to slip. Luckily, with a motivating talk with my Health teacher I was able to get back on track in just enough time to end the semester with good grades. The friends I made, I feel, had an great impact on my school life. They kept it real with me and helped my stay focused on my priorities. They gave me a reason to wake up eager to get to school. Some friends, in particular, helped me to be better person and helped me become more confident. Starting the first semester was a scary experience, but my friends made it gucci. I don't necessarily love Monarch because I think its wack. Although, i think the teachers alright. For My first semester I was in lunch B. It was exquisite. Thats where I met my dawg Shyan. I also met Dominique, Samra, and Denisha in lunch. They are also my homes. :)